Silence Will Never Have a Voice
About half of every day, I shake my head at what is going on in America. More specifically the Republican Party politics until I think about things and realize both sides are playing games with our country. Politics is so filled with buffoonish characters that I struggle to understand how any reasonable minded person could have ever voted for these people to put any of them in office. Never being one to align with Democrat minded politics thinking they were never serious about economy, the middle class, or the common man plight. But with Joe Biden as President, I finally see a side of them that aligns with more of my thinking. Don’t get me wrong, AOC and her bleeding-heart politics will always keep me at odds with my sensibilities of work ethic, fiscal responsibility, hand-up mentality. Before you jump down my throat on welfare or the need for welfare reform, I am fully aware there are more white Americans on welfare than all other races combined. Growing up, all I ever heard was how lazy this race was or how undermining this one was, but then I grew up and saw the real America for what it is. I still hate the idea of handouts from the government. I do, however, believe in a hand-up. In fact, I think there is a huge need in this country for more and more affluent people to be more philanthropic towards our fellow citizens. What I don’t like is the government telling me when as a mandate. Mandate and responsibility are not the same. I believe we should have an honest accounting of handout money from the government. But I also don’t have the hardline idea of many Republicans that anyone on welfare is fat, lazy, and using the money to buy drugs and cigarettes. I don’t discount the notion that it exists, but it certainly isn’t running rampant. And to assume that everyone is afforded the same opportunity as any else, well that would just be naïve.
I don’t believe the number one issue in America is Border Control. I do believe there are too many illegal people entering our country unchecked by people at border crossing checkpoints verifying passports and visas. We do have an open border problem in the Southwest. But I also feel it is a problem on the three other borders as well. In fact, other than fentanyl, more drugs come across our border via water ports. There is no way the amount of drugs entering the USA could never be accomplish on the backs of drug mules. I know it border problems exist and for years the Republicans have been crying about it and the Democrats have been poo-pooing it off as overzealous demands and that the vast majority are asylum-seekers and people just wanting a better opportunity. I’m very sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The problem with the expectation that politics is going to solve the issue is the same pipe-dream problem many Americans have had for generations. They would rather believe in the good of people instead of the reality of people and that eventually someone else will fix the problem. Every person will take anything and everything they can and there will never be enough people that say that’s enough, I need no more, if it truly exists at all.
Today we have a Senate and a President, both Democrat, that are gambling with their own 2024 political strategy of offering what the Republicans have been yelling for and hoping the Republicans would do exactly what they are in listening to Donald Trump and saying any bill arriving on the doorsteps of the House will be dead on arrival. Why? Seriously do any of us really need to ask why when we know that both sides are playing the other. It just seems that the Republicans are being insane by not accepting the border deal as the most comprehensive package ever. You can be rest assured that if this deal doesn’t happen before November 2024, it more than likely never will. The Democrats are banking on the delay, if the Republicans were ever going to get a leg up, they should accept it and brag that the Dem’s finally gave in to the demands instead of worrying that the Democrats are going to use it as a winning influence over the American voter. We have enough news outlets for both sides to spin the story as winning for their side. Its might be the only win-win situation we could ever see in American politics.
More and more conservative Americans are standing up to the Trump cult MAGA. We see it every day, but we certainly don’t feel it. Everyday, I lose confidence in the American Experiment of Democracy. Democracy depends on us putting it first and the party second. It relies on compromise, but compromise has no place in the ideology of a dictator. Fear doesn’t promote bravery; silence will never have a voice, and a buried head will only see darkness. How do we get more people to overcome their fears of another term of Trump or the growing concerns of overreach by MAGA? By voting people. You can always hold your head high to vote against tyranny. Will we have another January 6th at the start of 2025? I don’t think we’ll have to wait that long if enough people choose democracy over Trump. I expect a brief uprising following election day, but if the landslide exists for democracy and enough rise to put a halt to MAGA, then we’ll be okay. It will be another year of voting against someone and not for a person or the dream in that person championing my beliefs, but if I can get someone to the White House and my representation is balanced with the right people, then I might be able to turn a corner on this country and find my path of conscientious again. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake every morning and not dread what you’ll hear happened during the night. Trump made a special hell for us all waking to wonder how many tweets and what he might have said from his true oval office, the toilet. The last election, I along with everyone, felt it the most important election to go out and vote and record numbers turned out. I think there will be more record setting in November 2024 to have a shot at a good night’s sleep for the upcoming years. If you love silence then show up on November 5th and silently say to America, “I do have a voice after all and it is through my vote that I speak”.