Unsolicited Advice
I’m sure you have all experienced it, that friendly advice or opinion that seems to come from left field. I certainly have had to endure my fair share of the “just trying to help you outs” and “in my opinions”. But, have we ever been wanting of this personal opinion or advice? Generally, no, and even sometimes when I have opened the door, I usually haven’t wanted to hear what someone else had to say. There have been a few people, you could count on one hand, of whom I have sought a thought or even held to guidance from. Nowhere is it more prevalent than on the various social media platforms.
Are people so enamored with themselves that they feel everyone would want to be just like them and even more narcissistic, thinking I and everyone else might see the post, really cares what they think? Is it just poor communication skills? Maybe it is a starvation for attention or even the lack of adult stimulus. I would think over time that they would learn, as I’m sure there have been many alienating moments in their past, that should have served as gentle reminders. It seems though that the human condition seems to take over in most cases and instead of filing away their unpleasant and pleasant experiences, there is this uncontrollable urge to try again and again to feel included, feel they matter, and want to share a piece of themselves of that has worked and have told themselves that surely others would want the rewarding experience of being included into the world of their experiences. That human condition is that constant conversation within our own head and occasionally either through ego or stupidity, someone feels they are obliged to embark on the pathway of self-righteousness aloud with unabashed self-worth.
Is there anywhere more prevalent in this affliction than in politics? Our political system is filled with the self-righteous, indignant annoyance of unfairly treated opinions, and the benevolent intentions to save us from ourselves. I won’t dwell on political personalities as I could write my own unsolicited opinion document about them, so I’ll keep it more in the realm of those I actually have some control over whether I submit to their comments or not. Wait, I don’t care what they think, they are there to serve their constituents and should just be a mouthpiece for the folks back home. I wish!!
Social media certainly gives a large platform in the opinion nonsense and we have all had to read the diatribe of the obviously smarter and more well informed ego-maniacs. But the one nice thing that social media gave us was the ability to simply delete something we don’t like or were not looking for. I personally like to just delete a comment from someone rather than get into an exchange of differing philosophies. I find that it is satisfyingly harder-hitting to someone by simply deleting their opinion as opposed to engaging in some debate about who’s right. Afterall, only my opinion really matters as I’m sure is true for each and every one of you. Those in politics and celebrities are the pinnacle of the Opinion Mountain and unlike those that I can simply unfriend, I can only find refuge by removing a program or policies that are imposed on us by my vote or channel selection. So, just saying something under my breath, not watching TV or removing social media, doesn’t have an effect in voiding them from our lives. Fortunately, the Joe Blows of the world I can, will, and do control the outcomes of their effect on me.
So, if you are deleted, removed, excommunicated from my personal platform consisting of my opinion and life, don’t take it personal, I just DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT for anything you had to say and you can simply unfollow, block, unfriend me for having the audacity of not caring enough about you and your opinion. Have a blessed day!!