
I started this writing thing because I got tired of the irritation experienced from bottling things up. Back, many years ago, I went through a divorce. During that process, I was asked to go to a counselor for some reason that is unclear to me, then and now. The marriage was over, if anyone knows me they know that no matter the efforts we went through, it was over. I rarely forgive, certainly in this case, too much was laid on the table and trust was broken. I have no idea how others do it, but I applaud them if it is sincere. What I suspect is that many compromise to avoid the silence of being alone and the fear of the unknown financially. It should never be a fear of living the rest of your life alone, there is always someone out there for you, and if you’re lucky, you might find the person that allows you to move forward and not stay stuck in the past. If you’re married again, why would you ever need to speak of the past, especially negatively as if it elevates you to some higher status. I figure the other is probably just as happy you’re out of their life too. After all, there aren’t many people that really fall into the category idolization. The opinions only matter to you, as most everyone out there could really care less what you think as they have a full plate dealing with the crap in their lives. Quit being self-important, it only makes you look weak and low self-esteemed. Of course that is just my opinion.

But that is partly what this site is built on, opinions, chiefly mine. Occasionally, I get people to come forward and share a comment of their opinion. I don’t mean the acknowledgement of what I’ve wrote in being either good or bad, I mean an honest expression of how they actually feel. I like conversation, I feel I’m pretty good at listening, but like everyone, I can get locked on to a word or my own thought and I’m merely looking for a gap to respond with my thoughts, not really listening. We all hear, that is how we know when it’s our time to speak, of course there are also those that are so blatantly self-absorbed that they’ll interrupt to express their obviously more important opinions. I love the old saying, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink”.  So why go online and share mine? It should be fairly obvious; I believe in what I think. I like to believe I research the truth. But, sometimes, I’m off the cuff, and in those moments my opinion becomes the purest form of opinion. It is some recall deep inside me that has about as much chance of changing as of me wearing socks and loving them. We all have deep-rooted opinions we formed years ago, usually as a child, and on the surface for politically correct reasons like keeping a job, we bite our tongue and do what society has deemed appropriate today.

Today, when watching old movies, there are disclaimers warning viewers that there is content that was considered average opinion in those days, but today in the world of don’t hurt my feelings, we have to warn you that you’ll be offended. I generally laugh at this and it is so pin-point accurate as to why the term snowflake came about. Not the falling from the sky kind, the going through life changing the world to meet your opinion kind of snowflake. I will say this, as prevalent and society changing that opinion has become, I have to acknowledge the strength and control they have. I know when it comes to certain things, I’ve become very snowflake like. Even in this blog site, where I’ve said I might insult or piss you off as a warning, I routinely find myself holding back on how I really feel. But the cathartic process gets fulfilled, so I justify my action of having an altered opinion.

I’ve been paying attention to the criminal hush-campaign money trial that “The Donald” is going through. I’m always amused when someone thinks they are above everything and find themselves in a position where others are telling you that you aren’t. No matter what he says about others not getting the treatment he is, I feel he is being given so much less than if anyone of us were to be in the same position. We’d have already been convicted and served out time, but here he is in the middle of his campaign dealing with multiple court cases. This happened back in 2016, and if it weren’t for the fact that he is running for president again, he’d have never been charged, let alone actually at risk for being prosecuted. It might be the only thing I agree with him on, but on the other hand, I love seeing such a self-absorbed man being made to squirm in his seat and understand he isn’t above the law. The jurors, that have been selected, seem to be falling like flies due to an apparent feel of fear for their life due to the crazy idiots that follow the orange blondie bag of wind. Anyone interfering with his trial should face the same crimes that the mob used to get. That is my opinion of course.

Something else struck me during the selection of the jurors and alternates, during the process the prospectives had to answer a questionnaire and then they have been grilled over their answers. One thing came up that had to do with social media and blogs, where the teams of lawyers for both sides researched to find bias in the jury pool. The judge actually released a large number due to bias and comments that would or could be discovered from the internet. I, for one, would never be selected as a juror due to this blogsite. Haven’t made up my mind as to whether that is a good thing or not. I suppose it is good, because I should be able to express my opinions without fear of reprisal, I would just have to own my comments. So it’s good, I could never be impartial about him or so many others in politics.

Opinions are a good thing but can certainly cause harm even if unintentional. If someone says they aren’t opinionated they’re lying to you and themselves. I never mean to cause harm, but I don’t care if you’re offended by my opinions. The distinction lies in the resulting reactions. For instance, on many college campuses, there are people suddenly finding an allegiance with Palestinians. Obviously they have forgotten history or probably never knew it since it is fashionable to sterilize history so people don’t feel bad. The thing is that these same snowflakes won’t account for themselves in the present. They don’t own their opinions for the harm and fear they are causing, nope, they are just hell bent on their cause and disregard the simple hypocrisy in their actions. I understand that the government of Israel has gone too far in its retaliation of the Palestinians. I also recognize there are still over a hundred prisoners being held by Hamas. Not all Palestinians are Hamas and not all Hamas are Palestinians, in fact many would be touting the backing from Iran. It should be just as easy to understand Judaism and Israeli people are not to blame for the actions of the government, especially those residing in the USA. Heck, the Israeli president is going to be tried for crimes as soon as he leaves office. Why do these idiots want to persecute those in America for their genealogical background. But people can’t help themselves when they are acting out bias with emotion. Actions will always overreach sanity and justification. I don’t mind anyone speaking out against others for things they may be guilty of, but most of the people feeling the rath are just students seeking an education. Why don’t these idiots have their rich parents send them to Palestine and let them protest there, where it would actually mean something. Of course, most of them would either get arrested or killed for doing so, because in the end, they would just be another infidel in a country they don’t belong. So therefore, they promote their actions here and then go have a beer later at the local pub. Thanks for your service you fucking idiots.

Of course, that’s just my opinion.

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