No News is Good News…Right?
For the last few weeks, I’ve been making a point of not watching news other than to get local info and the weather. I have to say I have felt better and have been less stressed even though I’ve gotten bits and pieces of the craziness going on. I’m not sure I can keep it up though. I don’t want to watch the January 6th Commission grill witnesses, but I’m drawn to it flies to a bug zapper. I don’t want to watch Governor’s Greg Abbott and Ron De Santos speak out of their ass and do things reminiscent of Adolph Hitler, but I tune in every morning to Morning Joe just to catch a liberal viewpoint to start my day towards their exploits. I’m not a democrat, but for some reason in the world of the far left and far right, I’m leaning left in my voting decisions. The right needs to tone down their command and control and the left needs to grow some balls and fight back and stop with the everyone gets to play, hold hands and sing songs of peace. Are we headed to another civil war? Unlike the first one, I don’t see two fighting armies facing off with guns and killing each other, no what I see is an uncivil war with politics, laws, and rights being the battlefields. Oh wait, has it already begun?
After fifty years, Roe v. Wade is now not a constitutional protection for women seeking to control their body and choose or not choose to have an abortion. I don’t think there is a single woman faced with this decision that hasn’t agonized over whether she should have an abortion. The right-wing nut factory would lead you to believe that women are having them on a whim. That somehow in 1979 and 1980 that the church establishment saw the light and decided that life begins at conception and that God has somehow raised the issue as guidance. Nope, the only doctrine of the church prior to 1979 that spoke out on abortion was the catholic church around 1939. Prior to 1979, the rest of the churches all felt that it was a woman’s choice. But in 2022, the Republicans would lead you to believe their nonsense that God only speaks them and that all democrats are evil aliens. Many states trigger laws went into effect and now since many companies got on the band wagon to pay all expenses for any employee to go to a state where abortion is legal, the republicans are trying to find some lawful way to restrict pregnant women from doing so. Is this Nazi Germany and we have to have credentials to travel from state to state? What happened to the Republican platform of small government and government staying out of the lives of the people that decide who is and isn’t government? None of this stuff is the will of the people. Over eighty percent of the people in the USA believe women should have a choice. This isn’t about somehow looking out for the life of an unborn fetus, it’s about control and their ability to command you to fall in line and be a good little Nazi. Fuck you Far Right Republican and your bullshit. It’s time to stand up and people show up at the polls and vote these dickheads out of office.
What’s next? Clarence Thomas indicated in his support to end the rights of women, that he sees it as fair game that if some crackpot lawyer wants to bring a case against the constitutionality of LGBTQIA rights and contraceptive rights, that the Supreme Court would also overturn those. What we need is the Congress that is in control right now to end the Filibuster rules and go to simple majority on all laws or codification by congress and have them codify abortion and Roe v. Wade as a federally protected law along with others seemingly hanging by a thread as a constitutional right.
Instead, the Democrats stupid desire to have bipartisan laws enacted because it will help them sleep better at night knowing they did the bigger thing and reached across the aisle. Fuck that Democrats, make a movement, take a stand, play as dirty as you’re getting pulled through the dirt. Find the courage to stand against this fucking tyranny of the Far-Right-winged republican nut jobs and constitutionally put these idiots to bed. This stupid bipartisan law just passed that is supposed to curb the heinous crime of mass-shooting, bullshit. This law will do nothing and is nothing more than pitter-patter for the unaware. We all know what is needed and it’s time that constituency has more control than a lobby organization. Again, it is about control and a little lining of the pockets of those upholding the NRA and like organizations that have politicians in their pocket instead of politicians fulfilling their oath to take a stand to uphold the will of the people that put them there.
I haven’t been watching the news, but how can anyone miss what is going on in this country and, oh yea, Russia and Ukraine. The one bit of good news, other than the fifteen-minute rain shower that meteorologist got wrong is that Finland and Sweden are now joining NATO and that the USA is strengthening our presence in the Eastern block of Europe. We now will have a military presence in Poland and Lithuania. That would be a pretty good gig if I was still in the military. It’s not all bad news, but like life, what is bad with our health, finances, etc. always outweighs any good we have. We have a lot of bad stuff going on at home and abroad, but I am making a conscience effort to find something good for every bad thing I come across. Oh yea, Fuck Donald Trump. Just go away, you douchebag!
I read a tweet from someone that read, “America the land of health control and gun care.”
I think that pretty much sums it up in my opinion.
I may have to post that one somewhere. Good one Kate, sadly is so true.
❤️ lol you got a lot off your mind with this one.