Antivaxxers and Anti-Maskers

Talking about mumbling under your breath, this whole antivaxxer and anti-mask wearing thing has gotten out of hand. The claim is it infringes on their civil liberties and their God given rights. First, God didn’t give any rights to people. Man has given rights to people and taken them away as well. God has nothing to do with any of this except the religious leaders that choose to somehow twist context of the bible to suit their own personal political party agenda that they have somehow legitimized into being a religious consequence. And the blind will follow! Civil liberties were never intended to benefit a single man, but were designed to benefit the masses.

People like the Marjorie Taylor Green’s, My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell, and everyone like them are a cancer on society selling their radical political agenda all in the name of civil and personal liberties and how the radical left-wing are the ones we all need to fear. These idiots and the straight face lie they spread should be held responsible for all of the deaths that are occurring, that are in the high ninety percent of people that refuse to get a vaccine or wear their mask. Hospitals are full again and medical people are pleading with the misinformed and lied to people that are sick and dying. Statements to the effect that vaccines don’t work and it is all based on profit for the drug company are intended to misdirect the reality. Sure the drug companies are going to profit, so what, you can’t pick and choose what the country was founded on, capitalistic ideas. Now the Republicans are complaining drug manufacturer are doing this solely for profit when less than a year ago these same people were accusing Democrats of wanting socialized medicine due to the rising costs of drugs and how horrible this was to the society we all work so hard to support and have fought wars to protect our democracy. But that is the thing about the current Republican party, they blindly and without any substantiation of facts follow and spout the same lies they are being told as if it comes from God him/her self. Conveniently, their right of freedom of choice and that its their bodies and they get to decide what happens to it are the same ones that were backing the anti-abortion bills being passed by various states taking away the right of women to choose what happens to their body. I’ve yet to find a bible passage that said abortion is wrong. I will agree there is no one that would want to resort to abortion, but there are times when it should be an option. But again, these people don’t even get the irony in their defense of choice.

The problem is people too easily get on the bandwagon of something that doesn’t affect them. The Republican Party, or as some call it the Party of Trump, acts just like Trump does. It doesn’t matter what he says today, a few weeks down the road he can claim he never said it and lie that it is the media and left wingers that have twisted what he or his minions have said. Even video of him saying it is nothing more than doctored video. Anyway, when someone claims abortions are wrong and against God’s commands, they are openly telling lies and knowing that the blind faithful will follow and spread their personal gospel in place of God’s. These laws passed in a few states are not stopping abortions. Abortions are legal in states across the line and do these idiots believe their law has stopped anything? Of course not, what they accomplished is nothing more than a political stunt for their ratings and upcoming election cycle. Heck, abortions won’t stop in their state, they will be just performed illegally, and at a danger to the women getting them. My point is that it was okay to take away freedom of choice for women because we have done it in the name of the unborn and their rights. Well, using their logic, I claim that these idiots refusing to get a vaccine or wear a mask in the name of their freedom of choice and are affecting unborn children and mine and your children by their choice and therefore I support a law that says they must get a vaccine and wear a mask. If they don’t like it, then maybe we should establish one of our states like Florida or Texas as the sacrificial state of personal choice in compliance with their leadership and the rest of the country gets to practice common sense, adult thinking, and follow laws that are benefit of all and not just thirty percent of the country.

It sickens me how this has all turned out. And all I can think is the chaos that this country felt for four years under Trump are continuing with the fringe populace leadership at the expense of loved ones of us all. I would love to see lawsuits by people that listened to these idiots be filed against them for every death that occurs by people that think the bullshit they are spewing is the gospel. I certainly think it is the gospel, but not of God but the most dangerous secular radical fringe we have ever seen in modern times. The only thing in history that I can look at and compare is Hitler and the impacts that were made on us and linger some eighty years later is deplorable and fearful that these currents events will be impactful eighty years from now. God save us please!!! For God’s sake, get the frigging vaccine and wear your damn mask!

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